I LIKE this pic.
Here's why:
I just loved the juxtaposition of the passion of my grandparents make-out image, coupled with my 6 year old boy sitting underneath obliviously watching YouTube.
I moved into this apartment for a year—straight after I left my husband. For all of you out there who have been divorced, you know how in that transitional year, your emotions will run the gamut.
I have only a few clear memories in this apartment because of what I like to call the Transitional Fog. This is, of course, the lack of ability to hold onto any memory in your brain short term during the after-life of a marriage. I believe for me this is because most of those memories are difficult to relive.
But the above picture—I call it... The Slap You in the Face of What is Important Pic. This is one of the good ones. This is how I had always wanted my desk (and maybe my life) to be..simple, understated, yet BOLD. Interesting—even though there wasn't much to it.
And this apartment had B O N E S. Which I loved. Which gave me strength in it's bare beauty. And, it was new construction, new! It had no history...it was ours to make.
And so I took those bones as inspiration to design, to decorate and to make it home. And I liked it.
my first bedrrom post marriage.